Things That Happened While I Grew Up

There are so many things that happened while i grew up. Some of them are funny, stupid, weird, and don't have any context because i was very young at that time and probably don't remember very clear about my childhood. I will describe 2 of the childhood memories that come to my mind recently. Let's just jump into it.

When i was a child, my physical appearance is quite good. I can run quite fast, and i also a bit taller than any child in my neighborhood. I have this distinct memory when i was 5 at that time, i decided to make a loop around my neighborhood by running on my foot (yes, without any footwear because i was stupid at that time) and then i fell down because one little pebble hit the bottom of my foot. I opened a huge gash on my knee and guess what, i didn't cry that time and just walk back home with blooded knee and sand all over my clothes. And when i was old enough to think about that  incident again, i still don't understand why i didn't cry back then. Maybe my nerve system is not working that day, God only knows.

I also have this one memory that i don't remember clearly, i think it happened when i was 8 or 9 years old. But i will still try to describe it according to my brother's story when i asked him about this. I hate eating carrot as a kid, and my mom will always try to force me to eat carrots everyday. As a kid, i only love eating meat and sugar-based food. To compensate my selfishness in "I Don't Want To Eat Carrot" thing, my mom and my older brother looked up on the internet and search for a carrot cake recipe. After they finished making the cake, they gave it to me without telling me what's the inside of this yellowie cake. And i eat it happily because it was delicious. After i finished eating the cake, then they told me what's inside the cake and my reaction is just "Meh, it's delicious so i don't care if it's carrot or not". This is a good parenting strategy in my opinion. If a vegetable is too gross for your child to eat, just make them a cake with that vegetable inside. It's working, for me at least.
